Yesterday’s post closed with:
And whither I go ye know, and the way ye know. (John 14:4 KJV)
I didn’t include Thomas’ question in the next verse:
Thomas saith unto him, Lord, we know not whither thou goest; and how can we know the way? (John 14:5 KJV)
That’s because I’ve read the rest of the chapter, and the following ones. I just finished reading them as part of my year-long chronological reading of the Bible through I’m just now at Jesus’ betrayal and trial, watching confused men wonder just what is going on.
I received an e-mail from a relative who is beginning a Bible study on “conditions of going to heaven.” I do pray that it will begin with the first request and Jesus’ response:
And he said unto Jesus, Lord, remember me when thou comest into thy kingdom. And Jesus said unto him, Verily I say unto thee, To day shalt thou be with me in paradise. (Luke 23:42-43 KJV)
I pray it will include the jailer’s question and Paul’s response:
And brought them out, and said, Sirs, what must I do to be saved? And they said, Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt be saved, and thy house. (Acts 16:30-31 KJV)
Then move on to:
If ye love me, keep my commandments. (John 14:15 KJV)
Those Jesus gave very plainly:
Jesus said unto him, Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind. This is the first and great commandment. And the second is like unto it, Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself. On these two commandments hang all the law and the prophets. (Matthew 22:37-40 KJV)
For His disciples, He was more specific:
A new commandment I give unto you, That ye love one another; as I have loved you, that ye also love one another. (John 13:34 KJV)
How did He love us?
For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. (John 3:16 KJV)
So – now we know what it takes to be in heaven with Christ. What does it take NOT to be in heaven?
He that believeth on him is not condemned: but he that believeth not is condemned already, because he hath not believed in the name of the only begotten Son of God. (John 3:18 KJV)
We all will stand before God’s throne as our lives are weighed. Some will hear:
Then shall the King say unto them on his right hand, Come, ye blessed of my Father, inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world: (Matthew 25:34 KJV)
While others will hear:
Then shall he say also unto them on the left hand, Depart from me, ye cursed, into everlasting fire, prepared for the devil and his angels: (Matthew 25:41 KJV)
We all make choices. The one about believing in Jesus Christ as the Son of God, our savior, is of utmost importance. Some decide not to:
And ye will not come to me, that ye might have life. (John 5:40 KJV)
Lord, I come to you.
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Thank you for taking time to read and comment on the blog. Comments should take into consideration this verse: Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things. (Philippians 4:8 KJV)