Some Cubism paintings are interesting to me, some I cannot make sense of no matter which way they hang. The one above I like more for the colors than the Cubism, which is supposed to be a simplification of scenes and show different planes. I’m afraid I would have to study for some time to grasp the concept.
Sunday night our Children’s Minister did open a couple of new planes to me from very familiar scripture. An entirely new perspective of scripture I’ve used here fairly often. Just last week in In the Lord’s Sight, last year in James, again 2009 in Do Likewise, and a few others. A single verse from those postings:
Pure religion and undefiled before God and the Father is this, To visit the fatherless and widows in their affliction, and to keep himself unspotted from the world. (James 1:27 KJV)
Last night we were introduced to a different type of fatherless than we were thinking of from the simple reading. He took us to:
After this manner therefore pray ye: Our Father … (Matthew 6:9 KJV)
If pure religion is visiting the fatherless, and not having our Father in a life means that person is Fatherless, practicing pure religion means introducing our Father to those who do not have Him in their lives. An entirely new thought that opens tremendous opportunities.
Now, how about widows – the brides without their groom. The new perspective given is in relation to the church as the bride of Christ (Matthew 25:1-13; 2 Corinthians 11:1-3), and not being a following of Christ means people do not have the bridegroom mentioned in these scriptures. Again, an entirely new perspective, new opportunities for witnessing.
Does that mean the original understanding of the scriptures as read were wrong? Nope – not at all. Children who do not have a father figure in their lives need to be shown a Father’s love. Widows, grieving the loss of the husband they depended on for so many, many things need to be helped, whether those needs are financial or spiritual or a handyman’s fixit help.
Just don’t stop there and believe that pure religion has been completed. Continue to read His word, receive new perspectives, see the needs, respond to the calling and be blessed.
Oh, you don’t know the difference between needs and calling? Well, pray about it. There are many needs, but we are called by God to use our talents where He has best suited us. See the needs, but come to know your calling. Otherwise, we can become overwhelmed! There needs all around us, and we are not required to fill them all. Thanks be to God for that! But we do need to respond to His call for using our talents in His service.
May God bless your reading of His word.
It's so easy to get over whelmed trying to take care of everyone's needs. This is a good post, knowing the difference in our calling and needs.
ReplyDeleteIt surely important to know your calling, God tells us to make sure of our calling, and so many spread themself really thin doing many things that God did not call them to do in the first place, I say be still and wait on the lord, he will reveal your talent and your calling, and we all are called into various situations that only we can do well, God knows, he calls, and if we obey we will be happy in our calling and doing it well.